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Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:22 pm      Reply with quote
I've been using this machine for a about a month now and love it. While I've found one thread that discussed a few others and this one but only to the extent that others had bought it, I wondered what others thought of this, what their experience with this was?

I had bought a different one first but I find this one is so much smaller, easier to use, and more effective.

My experience with this is:

its very careful when you first start, when they advise you to not stay in one spot too long, they are not kidding.

after about 4th use, skins amazingly smoother and products just sink right in.

Downside, skin at first is a bit drier.
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Sun Apr 22, 2012 12:45 pm      Reply with quote
Yes, I use it myself and am loving it so far.

I purchased my first PMD in January but didn't start using it until early March. In addition, I have not used it weekly like many people do although I plan to start doing so very soon. The reason for not using it weekly is because I kind of went overboard during my first use and ended up "burning" certain areas of my face. Nothing major, mind you, but enough to tell me to slow down and take it easier next time round.

I too have noticed that my skin is now taking on a more smooth appearance (I believe I've used it three times now in total) so I'm excited to get to my next treatment. I can't say for sure but, of one of the spots on my face that "burned" during my first use, this just happens to now be one of smoothest areas on my whole face. However, I still would NOT recommend anyone do as I did and try rushing the procedure; better to take your time and do it as instructed.

One other thing that has drastically improved are some marks I have on my arms and chest. These were actually caused by one of my cats who decided to use me as a "tree for climbing up" one day, lol, and because her claws were out, well, you get the idea...ouch!

I used my PMD over all of the marks and one of the first things that changed was the "height" of them; they went from being kind of bumpy/scabby/feel-able (when running a hand over them) to completely flat. When I run a hand over them now I cannot feel them at all. Granted, they are still there but now they appear to actually be healing (getting lighter in color in addition to being flat) which is something they had never done before. These marks are marks I have had for about four years already so for them to finally be improving in shape/appearance now alone proves to me that the PMD system does work.

So far, so good, I am very happy with what I have been experiencing with my PMD so far and as long as I continue to experience such good results I will continue to use it for a long time to come.

Female, 45, light-skinned with long brown hair and hazel eyes. I love trying out new products and often find myself "inventing" my own using things I find in my kitchen. Personality wise, I am a major goofball with a wicked sense of humor. Laughter is good for the soul. Smile
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Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:04 pm      Reply with quote
Thank you for posting, our experiences are identical. I too went over board and caused a few burn/scab areas, so I put it down and didn't redo it for a few weeks, hince I am on my 3rd or 4th treatment now, and like you, the areas I overdid, by going over too much at first, are smoother than the others!! I had not really thought about it until you posted that (so went and looked). I now have a tiny new area, that I overdid last night, its not hard to overdo.

I do find this is an amazing little machine, compared to the bigger bulkier, vacuum hose ones (I threw that one out). This ones easier, less mess, no new filters, just clean the one in it, and I think the suction of this ones a lot stronger.

and just for info, on their website you can purchase red tips (much stronger) when you've used this for about a year. I will refrain from those, I'd look like I'd be massacred if I tried them!!
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Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:39 pm      Reply with quote
What's PMD??

Late 30's, fair skin, dark hair. Retin A, DIY potions. Missions completed- acne, acne scarring, 11's, redness, contact dermatitis. Working on maintenence and cellulite.
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Sun Apr 22, 2012 2:01 pm      Reply with quote
It's a personal microdermabrasion machine, its name is PMD. You can google it, shopnbc sells it for a decent price as well, and includes extra tips, that otherwise you would pay extra for.
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Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:57 pm      Reply with quote
Do you think it would be ok to use this gently, once a week or even every two weeks , while i'm using retin-a? my skin is normally not sensitive and is kinda resiliant.

42, starting facial exercise, vip total face machine, sue vit c , retina, had peels, botox, fat injection, very good skin texture but fine lines around eyes
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:15 am      Reply with quote
Wiser minds can chime in, but I use a retinol product, not retin A (skin can't take it) and I have no issues.

The directions are to use once a week, not any more. So every 2 weeks would be fine as well.
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:33 am      Reply with quote
Is this the one you are all referring to?


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Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:08 am      Reply with quote
Darkmoon, its not that one, its the PMD, that is the name. When it is not listed, its sold out, they can't seem to keep them in. They also sell other places besides shopnbc, its just the least expensive site I found at the time, and they threw in extra tips.

Its a hand held wand, that kicks a punch. I've had the machine with the suction tube attached, this has more suction, less hassle, washable filter (no need to keep buying filters), and is fast. Takes less than 3 minutes to do face. It is also under $100.00, I think it was $96.00, when I bought it.

It really is a more powerful machine compared to the counter top suction tube ones I now see all over, I've used both and threw away the diamond head counter top one I had (nuface, I think).

Hope that helps, The name again is actually PMD.
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:16 am      Reply with quote
Just went and looked, item number is 300-699 at its $98.00. Sorry I do not know how to post links or how to add your question.

hope that helps
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:17 am      Reply with quote
Tiny wrote:
Darkmoon, its not that one, its the PMD, that is the name. When it is not listed, its sold out, they can't seem to keep them in. They also sell other places besides shopnbc, its just the least expensive site I found at the time, and they threw in extra tips.

Its a hand held wand, that kicks a punch. I've had the machine with the suction tube attached, this has more suction, less hassle, washable filter (no need to keep buying filters), and is fast. Takes less than 3 minutes to do face. It is also under $100.00, I think it was $96.00, when I bought it.

It really is a more powerful machine compared to the counter top suction tube ones I now see all over, I've used both and threw away the diamond head counter top one I had (nuface, I think).

Hope that helps, The name again is actually PMD.

Thanks so much Tiny that helps a lot, I will keep my eyes peeled for when they have the actual PMD in stock!

I was a little tempted about a year ago by the nubrilliance but that was squashed very quickly by numerous bad reviews!

Thanks again your reply is appreciated! Very Happy

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:55 am      Reply with quote
OMG thank you Darkmoon, Nubrilliance is what I threw out, not nuface, although I think nuface is the company that makes all the NU anything products. Don't hold me to that, I could be wrong, but if memory serves.
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:06 am      Reply with quote
Tiny wrote:
OMG thank you Darkmoon, Nubrilliance is what I threw out, not nuface, although I think nuface is the company that makes all the NU anything products. Don't hold me to that, I could be wrong, but if memory serves.

OMG. They make it look so appealing on the demonstrations, but the reviews by users are horrible. I always look for real people's experiences in a number of places including right here on EDS! Laughing

I have made a few bad purchases in the past....lesson learned! (more than a few) Shock

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:13 am      Reply with quote
Tiny wrote:
Just went and looked, item number is 300-699 at its $98.00. Sorry I do not know how to post links or how to add your question.

hope that helps

Thank you so much!

I found it and it will be here around May 3rd.

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:37 am      Reply with quote
I purchased my PMD direct from the PMD website. I'm not sure if I can post links here just yet but if you do a search for "personalmicroderm" it should come right up (the website itself has the same name so it should be easy to find). I cannot recall exactly what I paid for it but I recall that I paid over $200. However, I also purchased "extra's" to go with it because my daughters are using it as well and we don't like the idea of sharing the "tips" that come with the machine so we purchased a few extra so that we would each have our own. In addition, I am in Canada so shipping charges did cost me a little more (I had it couriered by UPS). Even so, I am thrilled to have made this purchase all the same because the PMD has been great for me.

I love this little gadget BIG TIME!! I have only used it a small handful of times so far but have already been seeing great results (smoother skin, flatter scars, lightening of dark spots, etc) and I couldn't be happier. Yesterday, I decided to give my face a rest and use it on other parts of my body. Yes, you can use it in other areas besides just your face. For me, personally, this thing has worked wonders on my extra rough spots (elbows, feet, knees) already and I just did those areas for the first time (ever) yesterday! Seriously, my feet have never looked and felt so smooth as they do right now. Oh, I should point out though, that when I did my extra rough areas, I did this without the suction cap on my PMD. I chose to do it this way based on my own desire, not necessarily because it is the recommended way to do it. I just figured it would work best for me to "sand" those rough areas down without suctioning at the same time so that is what I did and it worked like a charm for myself.

PS: Tiny (and anyone else interested), I just checked out the ShopNBC website and it does appear that the specific PMD they have for sale is the EXACT same one I have but at a much lower price. If you can snag one through here (as opposed to the PMD direct website) you may be better off as you will be paying less while getting more. From what I can tell, it appears that it comes with all the same stuff I got (well, besides the "extra's" I purchased) plus MORE tips than I got in my kit so it's not like you are paying less because less comes with the "kit" but rather just the opposite (paying less for more).

ShopNBC starter kit comes with:

PMD Personal Microderm Machine
Ten Blue Fine Grit Exfoliating Discs
Eight Green Medium Grit Exfoliating Discs
Large Body Cap
Small Facial Cap
Preinstalled Reusable Filter
AC Adaptor (Power Supply Cord) - Output DC12V, 500mA
Instructions (packed with DVD)
DVD Instructional Video

PMD site starter kit comes with:

1 personal microderm
6 exfoliating discs (2 green and 4 blue)
1 electric cord (Standard U.S. Outlet)
1 facial cap
1 body cap
1 reusable filter
Instructional CD and Pamphlet.

I never heard of the ShopNBC site before today so, lesson learned, I will likely be ordering through them when I need to add to my kit.

And good luck, DarkMoon, I hope your PMD arrives as expected and that you find it just as wondeful as Tiny and myself both do! Very Happy

Female, 45, light-skinned with long brown hair and hazel eyes. I love trying out new products and often find myself "inventing" my own using things I find in my kitchen. Personality wise, I am a major goofball with a wicked sense of humor. Laughter is good for the soul. Smile
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:43 am      Reply with quote
Thanks KrazyKanuck,

I grabbed that deal on SNBC it was half the price of nubrilliance and I defiantly decided against that! Laughing

Most I have seen are way up there on the price point, so I could not resist, especially seeing how happy you all are with it.

I will report in once it is in hand and I get to give it a whirl! Very Happy

ETA: My darling daughters are 31 and 23 so finally out of the house and on their own, so no more stealing mom's goodies!

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:08 am      Reply with quote
I too searched their own site prior to purchase, the price difference was huge and I am in the states. One of the morning shows had this on and the ladies were raving, so I went searching and saved a ton by buying at shopnbc.

Thanks for the extra body parts information, my feet will thank you later tonight Laughing !!
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:51 am      Reply with quote
Darkmoon thats funny on your daughters, at least my two son's don't bother with my "girly" stuff, I think they are even afraid to enter my bathroom Shock
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:54 am      Reply with quote
Tiny wrote:
Darkmoon thats funny on your daughters, at least my two son's don't bother with my "girly" stuff, I think they are even afraid to enter my bathroom Shock

LOL. Tiny,

I have 2 of each so I know both boys and girls, boys just find other things to "borrow"! The 2 girls are the youngest and oldest, and I don't mean to sound evil but I had the last at 35 and she just moved out mid January! Shock Shock

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Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:33 pm      Reply with quote
No wonder you need this machine Darkmoon!!!

I am happy you got the great price, I can not imagine you not loving this machine!! let me know what you think, if you hate it at least they allow returns for 30 days.
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Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:37 pm      Reply with quote
Tiny wrote:
No wonder you need this machine Darkmoon!!!

I am happy you got the great price, I can not imagine you not loving this machine!! let me know what you think, if you hate it at least they allow returns for 30 days.


You don't know the half of it, but I won't bore you! Laughing

I have wanted a microderabrasion at home machine for ages, and I would have waited had you not posted the item number. So you have my eternal gratitude for this purchase!

I have a feeling I am going to love it! Very Happy

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Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:42 am      Reply with quote
I wanted to add, the first time I used this I knew it was powerful, I actually scabbed an area (small area), but it took until the 3rd time of use for me to fall in love with this and to see big improvements. Improvements were there, just not as they are a few treatments in. I am adding this so anyone using this doesn't give up after a few times. I am not sure if KrazyKanuck felt the same or not?

Hide your machine DarkMoon, I am sure your daughter's still visit!!
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Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:54 am      Reply with quote
Tiny wrote:
I wanted to add, the first time I used this I knew it was powerful, I actually scabbed an area (small area), but it took until the 3rd time of use for me to fall in love with this and to see big improvements. Improvements were there, just not as they are a few treatments in. I am adding this so anyone using this doesn't give up after a few times. I am not sure if KrazyKanuck felt the same or not?

Hide your machine DarkMoon, I am sure your daughter's still visit!!

I will be careful until I get the hang of using it Tiny! Thanks for the heads up on that. Smile

If and when they come to visit I have a surprise for them, getting a deadbolt put on my bedroom doors!
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Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:21 am      Reply with quote
Is the PMD the same as this one from EDS?
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Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:30 am      Reply with quote
brierrose wrote:
Is the PMD the same as this one from EDS?

Yes but it is only:
Sale Price: $98.46
Save: $10.29 (9% off)
or 6 ValuePay: $16.41

It was barely over 100$ with shipping and I did the 6 Value pay deal!

Here is what you get on SNBC:

PMD Personal Microderm Machine
Ten Blue Fine Grit Exfoliating Discs
Eight Green Medium Grit Exfoliating Discs
Large Body Cap
Small Facial Cap
Preinstalled Reusable Filter
AC Adaptor (Power Supply Cord) - Output DC12V, 500mA
Instructions (packed with DVD)
DVD Instructional Video

Here is what EDS has:

The system includes:
- 1 x personal microderm
- 6 x exfoliating discs (2 green and 3 blue)
- 1 x electric cord (Standard U.S. Outlet)
- 1 x facial cap
- 1 x body cap
- 1 x reusable filter
- Instructional CD and Pamphlet

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