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Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:11 pm      Reply with quote
Hi everyone. Apologize in advance for the gloomy subject matter but I felt this was the best place to start a discussion about how I'm feeling. I feel social media like Facebook or Twitter (or wherever) just isn't the best place. This way I can take a little comfort and freedom expressing myself totally authentically to an audience that doesn't know me.

I just graduated college with a BA in Psychology. When I decided to attend college and be a serious student, it became a huge part of my identity. When I transferred from the community college to the 4-year University I felt I made the wrong choice in what I decided to major in (mostly because it came down to *having* to make a choice so I chose something that I felt was a good foundation to jump off from.

I've been feeling unmotivated and unhappy for years now. I am not suicidal, and I don't want to kill myself but I often think of death. I am 26 years old, and it's impossible for me to visualize myself as a 35 year old person who is successful in life (career, love life etc). Death to me just seems like the next step in my life. I feel I've peaked and often feel incapable of trying to change - almost as if I'm disabled and handicapped (physically and mentally "stuck").

Everyone on this forum seems friendly, so I figured it was fine to take a chance and post my feelings. Thank you for reading.

- Nathan
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Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:02 pm      Reply with quote
Nathan, plase talk to someone today, a family member, a friend. If you want anonymity 1-800-273 8255 is the Crisis Hotline, someone can talk to you NOW.

Don't you dare think for one instant that you don't matter, you do, you really do.

You have a BA: you achieved that even though you were not sure it was the right choice, you still saw it through to completion. Be proud of yourself, you have worked so hard, you are not a quitter.

Please see a doctor as soon as possible, tomorrow if you can. I know how hard it can be to pick up the phone: but just give yourself that one task: please don't be afraid to seek help.
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Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:03 pm      Reply with quote
Hi Nathan, you can talk to me if you want...just inbox me with your email.
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Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:30 am      Reply with quote
It's partly due to lack of sunlight in winter. Go walking outside if you can. Otherwise buy some Vitamin D3 and start out taking 1000IU for a week and if no improvement double the dose. I take one capsule with breakfast and another with dinner. Really has helped me.

Doctors say most people are low in Vitamin D3 so you are "normal." Just goes to show normal doesn't always mean good.
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Thu Jan 23, 2014 11:54 am      Reply with quote
You go through darkness,only to come up stronger than before.
Someone says''when you go through hell ,keep going''.

The truth is that when we feel really unhappy and unmotivated,it means that in our life we gave attention about meaningless things,so the spirit guide us to the extremeties.And the extremities are there so you can feel again conscious of your existence.Because its all about existence,the power of existence feels stronger towards the edges .Its just how things work.

So you may need to treat yourself with honesty,and be your true you ,not the shadow of the true you .Dont reject your real self,the society have make us into twisting our needs.That makes a burden to the subconscious ,cause you just act in a way you dont feel .

To finish,we could go on forever about missing nutrients,iodine deficiency and ...,but you dont need any of this crap.Just dont fight it and go with it.Learn to go with it.

What was ruining my spark of life was masturbation and p o r n ography.Makes people zombie.Now i can finally feel attracted to persons,and i swear i judge lookings now by the eyes.I love the soul,and its seat is in the eyes.

So you need to take action.DONT THINK.Dont fantasize to situations.BRAIN IS A DAMN JUNKIE.
It needs its dopamine everyday,its a junkie.
By denying the brain,the psyche takes action and guides.You actually do nothing.Now the brain cant get what it wants through fantasy.So in the end of tunnel it must and will get it through meaningfull situations of real love and honesty.The body spontaneously and naturally will take action.And by doing you learn.And by learning you evolve. evol(ve)=love ...its a mirror word.

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
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Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:19 am      Reply with quote
Nathan, my heart goes out to you, and I know that you are suffering. I'm proud of you for reaching out, but please, take it a step further and share your burden with a friend, a counselor or a doctor. Most campuses have mental health resources that you can still access an alum. Please do not walk this path alone. Remember that some days will have more darkness than light, and other days will be a little brighter. (On a practical note, physical exercise (outdoors in sunlight is best) is critical, as is proper rest, try to eat well-it's hard, I know when you feel low.) Please know that you are not alone. Godspeed, on your journey.
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Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:30 am      Reply with quote
Some very good advice and suggestions.

Nathan, if you are still reading, have you tried this technique for short-circuiting the negative thoughts?

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Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:42 pm      Reply with quote

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Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:16 am      Reply with quote

I’m so glad you have taken the chance, because you are not alone. Please do reach out to someone and talk with someone with some professional training because they can help you realise that there are things that you can change and will make you feel so much better. Its so easy to go into gloom but there is assistance out there that can help you change things. Graduating with a BA is a tremendous achievement, and hey there is nothing to stop you from learning anything you want to learn out there.

Feeling unmotivated and unhappy is something that you can change. Start thinking about what you enjoy doing, what makes you laugh. For me I love comedies, they just make me chuckle and whenever I’m feeling out of spirits I will put a silly film on to make myself laugh and it does the trick. Also people often tend to go into depression imagining they should have achieved a “successful” care, love life etc but like most things in life it is a series of baby steps and nothing to be depressed about.

I wish you the very best and hope you take on board some of the excellent advice presented here – because you are not the first person to feel that way, and sadly you won’t be the last but you have taken the first steps, and now its time to keep going (even if baby steps).


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Sat Mar 01, 2014 10:49 am      Reply with quote
Nathan wrote:
When I decided to attend college and be a serious student, it became a huge part of my identity. When I transferred from the community college to the 4-year University I felt I made the wrong choice in what I decided to major in (mostly because it came down to *having* to make a choice so I chose something that I felt was a good foundation to jump off from.

I've been feeling unmotivated and unhappy for years now.


I want to encourage you to think about what you said above some more.

You were forced to make a choice in your life that led you down a path that didn't resonant with you. And that messed with your feelings of identity and purpose in life, and hence with fulfillment.

One of the most important things you can do now is to FIND THE RIGHT PATH for you. What have you always want to do? Has anything ever called to you? If not, what things do you want to experiment with?

I think if you start leading your life determined to do the things that you really want to do, you will find the fulfillment you are looking matter if the path you blaze is on or off the beat-track.

I know it took me a long time to figure out what I want to do...and I want to do some things on the beaten-track and some things off-the-beat track in order to change the system.

Have the courage to break free from those things that have held you back from fully contributing or expressing yourself. The world needs your unique talents.

Hugs Smile

34 y.o. FlexEffect and massage. Love experimenting with DIY and botanical skin care products. Appreciate both hard science and natural approaches. Eat green smoothies + lots of raw fruit and veggies.
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Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:27 pm      Reply with quote
If you're interested in beauty and health, perhaps you should look into working for a skin care or other consumer product company. I know that your major doesn't segue nicely into a career, but most marketing and sales people I know have degrees that have zero to do with their position or product they hawk.
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Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:15 pm      Reply with quote
You can talk to me anytime as well. Sometimes we just need an ear to hear us and some good sound advice.
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