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Thu Jul 12, 2018 9:56 am |
I first heard about the concept of "fibroblast" and "plasma blast" from Christine Byer's video:
Since then I have fallen down the rabbit hole of internet research, as this technology seems to be being done under MANY names, technology brands, and levels of strengths.
Since I am a research fanatic, I am just going to list the different names and info I have discovered so far (for my future self when I am googling, hopefully I come across this page lol).
Also - who here has first hand experience with doing any of these procedures? One person has said she has done it here: .. Anybody else?
So here's what I've found so far:
J-PLASMA - apparently the "strongest" version of this therapy. Seems to cost more and use a bigger machine.
PLASMA PEN / PLEXR / FIBROBLAST - apparently what Christine Byer used, and what seems to be most available in the UK.
MOLE REMOVER PEN / PLASMA PEN USED AT HOME ON ONESELF! I'm not recommending this, but some people have found this same type of pen marketed as a "mole remover pen" on amazon, dhgate, and other online sites, and used it on themselves! Look at the comment by Christina on Christine's video: Personally this seems very risky...but also very cost effective if you can do it correctly!
PLASMAGE - the technology I see used a lot in spanish speaking countries, and europe.
PUREBEAU - according to one doctor on realself "not as effective as Plexr"
... So! Anybody have any experience with any of these? Would you mind sharing prices and results?
The best result I ever got from anything was from a Fraxel Repair laser, which are no longer manufactured. I have gotten a few CO2 lasers since, then, none that amazing (like the fraxel repair was), and so now I am looking into the newer and better technologies out there for skin rejuvenation.
I would love to learn more about this fibroblast/ plasma blast / plasma pen / plexr / j-plasma technology  |
Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:05 am |
Whoop! Looks like there's ANOTHER version of this technology (I think) with ANOTHER NAME:
It's hard to keep them all straight! Again, somebody talked about it here too:
Anybody used this on themselves for skin tightening? |
Fri Jul 13, 2018 8:35 am |
I had the treatment 5 weeks ago. It is pretty amazing, but photos are needed to document changes as they are so gradual that one could miss it. My face has gone from square to heart shaped again, scars are gone, wrinkles are gone and the whole face has been lifted. I have booked one more session to completely get rid of jowls and double chin, which were considerably reduced from the first treatment. Perhaps if I waited, as face continues to change for 6 months, but I cannot have downtime in the winter, so prefer to be more aggressive.
I do not think this is something you can do for yourself on your face - my provider wants to her forehead done, but cannot do it herself as one needs to control the pen a specific way. I think it is close to the surface of the face , but not touching it.
If you find a way to DIY I am interested. Pwerhaps it is more possible on body parts like hands tummy or inner thighs. |
Sun Jul 22, 2018 12:36 pm |
Hi mismis,
Can I ask what areas you had treated to gain a face lifting effect? I've seen some pics where the area in front of the ear is treated, so sort of pulls the skin up and back?
Jackie xx |
Mon Jul 23, 2018 6:55 am |
I would say neck, chin, jaw, mid face (so that planes were again visible) appear tauter. It was less noticable around the eyes for me, but they were not too bad to begin with. I didn't do forehead as I had no lines or slackness there to begin with.
While the visual effect is one of pulling I think a more precise way of thinking would be that the skin on the face becomes smaller where ever treated.
Going for an additional treatment today and my hope is to additionally slim my mid face and further refine the neck. The skin on my neck and under my eyes feels thicker, but there is still some crepey texture though it has been greatly improved. |
Mon Jul 23, 2018 12:00 pm |
Thanks mismis x |
Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:49 am |
Hi mismis,
Hope your treatment went looking forward to reading how it you live nearby?
If someone had to travel to go to your provider, could they fly in, have the treatment and look well enough to be seen on return flight?
I'm assuming it's really necessary to stay out of the sun for several weeks after treatment. How do handle the travel back to your home without getting any sun...of course flying at night would solve that...just thought of that when typing this out.
If it's okay could you email me the name and address of your provider? Is it hard to get an appointment? Thanks!!! |
Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:12 am |
My provider is about 1/2 hour drive from my home, so no problem. You will look OK, but somewhat red right after, which soon - within hours - will become quite swollen. There may be scabs. And that takes about 5 days to resolve in my case. You may be different. I always wear sunscreen, stay in the shade and use a sunbrella, so no change for me.
I can give you the name and # of my provider, but it would make sense to go somewhere nearer to home. Doctors can do a slightly different procedure involving placing the plasma pen UNDER the skin as well, which sounds intriguing to me.
Why not try googling providers for this service in your area? Travel on top of the procedure would certainly add to the cost. I live in a medium sized town in Canada and I note there are at least 2 providers here of the spa type; there are probably some doctors who do it as well.
Will PM you. |
Sat Jul 28, 2018 9:00 pm |
I am replying to this topic so I will be better able to find it later. Don't have time to read rn. Very fascinating. Thank you for sharing your findings! |
Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:11 pm |
Hi Mismis!
I've been wanting to respond awhile now, but I can't log on from my phone, which is what i usually use.
Anyways - first, thanks so much for sharing your experience.
Can you tell us what areas you had done? Was it your entire face, just the eyes, or certain sections of the face?
I also have updates on where I am. I'm an American in Mexico City, and I found one laser center who does this and they charge $2000usd! So i thought it was out of my reach here...
But then yesterday I went ot get a facial and I just happened to ask if they had a "plasma pen" and the lady said, "yes! I even did it on myself" and they only charge $75 for the eyes, so I made an appointment.
So I have an appointment for tomorrow to get my eyes done, but I would love to add as many facial "zones" as possible.
Which is why Mismis, I would love to know how many areas you had done at once?
I am thinking my eyes, my cheeks/jowls (for the tightening/shrinking effect, not for the wrinkles as I have none there, but I would like a more "heart shaped" face), and then maybe the neck, and what the heck - why not the hands and knees too? Hey I want to do as many zones as I can
Mismis would be great to hear back from you. I will keep y'all updated on what happens! |
Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:16 pm |
Oh, one more update! I've noticed that all of the plasma pens I had saved on Amazon (including the one with the review I linked to above) are now GONE from amazon. Poof! Almost all of em. I can only assume something to do with an FDA issue.
There is still ONE left that is amazon Prime eligible. I am going to try to buy it asap, as it seems like amazon is cracking down on these sellers for some reason, and I want the security of buying via Prime. Just fyi for any of you thinking to buy on amazon... |
Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:13 am |
So I have been doing more research and I found some videos that really demonstrate the difference between the higher powered lasers (that really NEED to be done by a plastic surgeon or skilled expert), and the "plasma pens" that med spas have, and that you can purchase at home.
Here is a video of the higher powered J Plasma, and you can see it is like a full fledged blow torch. It doesn't create those little dots, rather it just scorches the skin. I cannot imagine how anybody could do this on themselves:
If you do a google search for "Renuvion face lift", you will see some insane before and afters - it really is like having a non invasive face lift. I can see how this would cost thousands of dollars. I have this on my wish list for sure!
On the other hand, you have the lesser intensity (but also effective, just not as dramatic) "plasma pens" that some people are using on themselves, which you can buy on Amazon and aliexpress, etc, and also used a lot in med spas. Pretty sure this is what the spa I am going to today has:
Also, you potentially "could" do this on yourself - and in fact there are many videos of people using this on themselves to remove moles and skin tags at home...
But the only video of somebody doing this on themselves for wrinkles, is this video of an experienced esthetician, so probably not recommended unless you really know what you are doing:
here is another esthetician using it to remove freckles from herself:
Here is a video of it being used to create a "double eyelid" on Asian eyes:
I believe both of these technologies use the same underlying (or similar) technology, but as you can see one is VERY strong, while the other "potentially" could be used on oneself at home, with a lot of training, and extreme care and pre-testing, etc.
So now I am curious - Mismis: did you have the stronger "j plasma" from the first video, or a "plasma pen" treatment, like the second videos? |
Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:07 am |
Thanks for the videos, naha1!
I really enjoyed them...I too want the stronger version...was amazed when they just wiped it off to reveal 'baby skin'...there is just one provider for the j plasma in the state where I live and it's not cheap..around $6,000 for face not including the neck.
There is another video on youtube showing helium injection under the skin and then using the blow torch...they also did some other stuff, maybe lipo on her neck...pretty brutal at times. |
Fri Aug 03, 2018 10:26 am |
So I got this done at a local beauty spa here in Mexico City. They called it a "plasma pen". I took a look at it and it looks exactly like this one:
My eyes look pretty much like this now, except i don't have it between the eyes:
I also had her do a small section of my "jowls" on each side, as well as that patch under the neck that turns to turkey AND I had her do a small section of "kneenkles" wrinkly part above the knee. That was new to her, but she obliged.
As far as doing this on yourself - I think it's totally doable in terms of technique. It's not too complicated really (I asked her and she used strength 1 & 2 on my eyes, and 3 on my neck and knees. Not sure what she used on my "jowls")
But where it gets complicated is in the anesthesia - she injected it in every area that she zapped me, and in the few times she zapped an area without anesthesia, whoa nelly. Painful!
So I can see myself buying this and using it in areas I can withstand pain more easily - like knees, MAYBE arms, hands...but would only go to a professional for areas like eyes and face in general really.
Hopefully I'll have some good updates to share in a week or so! |
Fri Aug 03, 2018 11:00 am |
Also, if you do do this on yourself ( to anybody reading this now or in the future), most images show that the zaps are NOT ON the wrinkles, rather ON EITHER SIDE of the wrinkles.
Just see how she does it here, for example:
I assume that this is because it not only resurfaces the skin, it SHRINKS it. So you actually want to shrink the area surrounding the wrinkle, not the actual inside of the wrinkle itself.
Just something to keep in mind. |
Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:50 pm |
I had most of my face except for brows, treated, twice. The second treatment has just about eliminated my double chin and smoothed the skin nicely. Though I might get neck done again after a longish wait. Within two days of the last treatment my eyes were noticeably wider and some annoying little bulges in the inner corners were gone. I know she did some very tight lines of dots both above the eyebrows and around the perimeter of my face to give a lifting effect. And lift it did - my NL lines have migrated upwards and they are not wrinkles, just a soft swell from the fullness of the cheek. She restored some of the concave lines on the outer cheek, too.
A pen type of device was used, and 10% lidocaine + pain pill I had left over from surgery. Didn't feel a thing - unlike my inner thigh which was treated with 5% lido. That was ouch.
How exciting are the changes? My DH of his own volition decided to get a full face treatment from which he is now recovering. He has never ventured into my skin obsession before.
One thing not mentioned is the texture of the treated skin - it is almost pore-less, and in some areas, like the neck, palpably thicker.
I think I will leave my face to the expert, but am intrigued by the possibility of DIY for easily accessed body parts. Thanks for researching that. Now, are the pens still available? Or do I go to my good friend AliEx?
mis |
Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:11 am |
Thanks for sharing Mismis. So you mean no anesthesia was injected into your face? Just topical and pain pill? Wow!
Also you did your entire face and neck, practically?...That's a lot, for this pen device, it seems. From the way she did me, it seems like that would take a long time? I can see the j plasma being more efficient for covering a larger area, as you can glide over the skin, rather than go pinpoint by pinpoint. But I would indeed like to do do my entire face, neck and even chest if possible!
I am at the scabbing stage, so hard to tell what the results are yet...Will update.
Already I'm thinking of other areas I want to treat though..  |
Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:37 am |
This is the largest area done on a face that I can find on the internet (scroll down to see the photo). It's in German.
So I was under the impression that you couldn't do the entire face with these pens, since googling "plasma pen entire face" I find nothing...But Mismis, you said you did?
I'm the type of person who would rather suffer more once, than less multiple times. The doctor who did it suggested I go area by area, but I'd rather do everything at once if possible... |
Mon Aug 06, 2018 11:25 am |
Some of each. Basically I had the whole face sans forehead worked on. The neck, continuous; the jaw and sides of face and cheek up to hairline, also continuous; eyelids, continuous; under nose, continuous; and a few discrete areas with a wrinkle or line with the "on each side" method. When I mentioned that my eye area did not seem to respond as strongly as the rest of my face the first time, she did a wide band over each brow to lift the eyes. It worked well. Ditto within the continuous application along the side of the face, extra dense along the hairline to give a pulling effect. It is now 12 days and I still have visible dots everywhere, so perhaps she used a stronger setting the second time.
Gotta find a pen for sale, I could do my own forearms and knees quite easily, though not my upper arms or inner thighs.
I feel so blessed that I literally bumped into a qualified and careful provider.
If your doc uses the blowtorch method, I wonder if they do the same. In the video it looked like the old CO2 ablative laser where they simply wipe away the old skin after. That had a really long recovery time but was extremely effective. |
Mon Aug 06, 2018 11:31 am |
PS - yes it took about three hours. I think it might be harder on the operator than patient as there are continuous repetitive small movements with the pen.
Though retired I don't often have a week of time where I do not need to appear in public, especially in winter, so I wanted to get it over with at one or two sessions. Like you, I will be going for more at least yearly and will continue with non-visible body parts in the winter when I can cover it up.
I haven't been so excited about a beauty treatment since I discovered botox & filler. |
Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:14 pm |
Wow, it sounds like you got a GREAT deal for $1000. Also a great provider.
My doctor uses the pen method too, not the blow torch method, which I think requires much more anesthesia and is much pricier.
Up until now, i think they really only used it for upper & lower eyelids, but I'm going to try to get her to do more of my face.
I just bought one of the pens on Amazon for about $20. I try to always use prime for the free returns, and it was the only prime qualified one left. I'd hurry and buy it, if you're interested, as Amazon seems to be removing sellers of these pens.
Otherwise they are all over dhg, aliexpress, ebay, etc.
Thanks again for sharing! |
Fri Mar 28, 2025 9:30 am |
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