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Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:58 am |
....and any other friends around the world if you know the products! I just figured that this line is manufactured in England, so you might know a little more!
So I'm in a kitchen store yesterday and I fall in loovvveee with a set of dishes by Denby - who I've never heard of before (I've only had Pfaltzgraff and some Pottery Barn dishes). Oh my, did I love this collection (Fire/Chilli). I look at the price on a plate "$34 U.S.", an I'm thinking is that for a set? Then I look on a mug "$27 U.S." and I realized that it was per piece!!!!
Does anyone have Denby dinnerware? Is it really worth that much? I did find an E-bayer who has Denby Fire "seconds" that are much more reasonable and I'm watching the bidding right now.
Would I be out of my mind to pay that much for dishes? Probably, huh?
I was going to try and sell my current Pfaltzgraff and use any profits towards the Denby....course, I could probably only get a couple of plates in exchange!!!
Maria |
_________________ Maria, early 50's, post meno, normal to dry skin, more dry in winter, some sun damage... |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:35 am |
My mother in law is mad about Denby, she recently splashed out a small fortune on a set of Denby Mugs and gradually they all chipped one by one in the dishwasher, she went mad!!!!
I think there remains one Denby mug
I am not a big fan really, it is overpriced and well you just can't get a decent brew out of the mugs!!!!
She is now using Portmeirion mugs, these are so much better.......I stick to Asda Walmart!!!! A cup is a cup!!!!  |
_________________ oily/acne prone - acne scars on chin area/Large Pores in winter. Oily in Summer. Fair, nuetral/cool complexion, burn easily. Early 20s |
Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:53 am |
I live in stoke on trent, where all that wedgwood, doulton, spode etc is made (was made much of the production has gone to asia)
Like rosebud a cup's a cup and a plates a plate since they all get broken...and of course you have the sets that come out when your entertaining & christmas etc always find it funny to keep things for 'best'.
If we're talking figures I love LLadro!
the weird thing was when I visited the states your prices for our pottery were cheaper than at home!
Is there a particular piece you were after? |
_________________ Using. ADCE day & night |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:03 pm |
It was the Denby Fire/Chilli that I thought was so very pretty - but as the days have gone on since I first drooled over it , I am quite sure I'd be out of my mind to pay that much (especially since I can't afford it!) for dishes. I mean, ONE dish is US $34 at the store I saw it in. Yikes.
I'll behave for now and scout around for something similar but more reasonable. Maybe a set of Fiestaware or something.
Eve, it's so funny. I so wanted "special occasion" china and got about 8 place settings between my bridal shower and wedding. Guess how many times I've used it in 15 years of marriage????????? NONE. It's lovely too! I also have Christmas plates that I got for about $5 a place setting at Christmas Tree shops!!!!! That's what I use during the holidays.
Maria |
_________________ Maria, early 50's, post meno, normal to dry skin, more dry in winter, some sun damage... |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:55 pm |
I have a Denby set. My mom slowly bought it for me over Christmas/Birthdays when it would be on sale at The Bay (I live in Canada). I have the blue one- can't remember anymore what it is called...
Anyhow it is my everyday set (only dishes I have) and I must say they are very durable. I've dropped a couple and thought for sure they would break but not even a chip! |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 7:14 am |
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