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Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:28 pm |
I am not sure whitch ones i have... but they arnt fading and ive had them for around 1-2 1/2 years.. . Usally when i wake up in the morning i can see them a bit, but once blood starts moving in my body(start walking around, taking awarm shower etc..) they get redder. i really hate this, and if i didnt have these things, i would only have a couple pimples, but to other people it looks like big red bloches on my left and right cheek.
The redness isnt a hole or crater or anything, just redness on the skin. I really need help for this, i dont know what to do, and my dermatoligist suggested clearlight for it, but my mom doesnt want to pay 200 dollars for one appointment, and he said i would need around 4 of them.. This is really depressing. I feel i cant act myself in this type of skin.
check my sig for skin type and age. |
Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:25 pm |
edited, so people look at it. heh. |
Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:42 pm |
how long have you been using the new skin regime that the ladies here helped you sort out? 5 minutes? Give it a couple of weeks and see what happens. And I thought *I* was impatient! lol  |
Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:54 pm |
lol.. i know.. i am insane. lol. but these arnt pimples.. and they arnt dirt.. there just like red blochs.. thats why i thought it was different lol..
BTW: ignore this, just posting this for my reference.
-Cleanse with only water
-Dr. Hauschka's cleansing cream
-ACV toner
-spot treatment (if needed for new breakouts)
-150mg clindomyicin pill with breakfast
-Redness busting oil
- Wet washcloth dabbing, then duac
-shower with aveeno cleanser
-Facial mask 1-2 times a week (sensitive skin)
-Dr H Cleansing Cream
-ACV toner
-Vitamin C Serum
-Retin A, every other night and spot treating |
Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:33 pm |
something to add.. i heard that the more sleep you get, the better your skin will be is this true? cause im my case i only get around 5.5-6 hours of sleep, when i should be getting 7-8 |
Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:44 pm |
Hi Google I hope you won't take this the wrong way, but... stress can throw your hormones out of whack and this in turn can cause breakouts. Try to relax a bit and give your new routine a chance, for all you know it could help with the red spots. Even if you wanted to start using a new product for those spots it would be too soon anyway coz you have to let your skin adjust to the routine you just started. It is already a big step in the right direction for you to decide to learn more about skin care. Hang in there honey, remember we are all rooting for you!  |
_________________ 40's; combo to oily skin recently sensitive; hormonal breakouts; rethinking skin care routine |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:45 am |
I peeked at this post and had to laugh... You have to admit that it IS a funny phenomena that at 15, when you really do have alllll the time in the world, you nevertheless think that just about everything should have happened YESTERDAY!
I agree with crazyskin though. Google5, your routine sounds like a good one, and if you just give it a little time, I think you're going to be delighted with your new skin. Better yet, taking care of your skin now is going to keep your skin pretty and healthy for a long, long time.
I'm tempted to tell you to calm down, sleep more, etc., but hell, you're 15 - you're SUPPOSED to be half crazy Seriously, though, sweetie, just hang in there for a little bit - even if you end up having to tweak your skincare routine a little, it'll work. |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:22 am |
Alright...My question to you is..these products you've been suggested..Have you been introducing these to your skin all at once? I had the same skin as yours at age 15...and so many suggestions i took that i regretted. I'm not sure if it is exactly rosacea, but I know for a fact I had it and I can barely use anything on my skin without it making the red "dots" on my skin show. That and heat usually brings it out....I know people may push that sunscreen, toners and vitamin C are very important..but right now I think you need your skin under control by limiting whats used on it, and gentleness. I do wear sunscreen, but i introduced a gentle one at last after using chemicals which ruined my skin and caused horrible irritation. They could be red dots under the skin from acne you once had..but I really suggest you don't overdo it. That in itself causes stress to the skin..just be patient and choose wisely. Give us the results! |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:48 pm |
Well, im not sure what it is, i think its broken capillaries because rosecea, in my family, no one has ever had that, just acne, and i think since i have a sensitive/thin skin, that they broke some how... i just dont know how to get rid of them, and even if they are broken caps? "lol.. i know.. i am insane. lol. but these arnt pimples.. and they arnt dirt.. there just like red blochs.. thats why i thought it was different lol.. "
Yes all at once, but i stopped it and am waiting for the dr Hauschkas cleansing cream that i ordered. Then i will start it, with everything .
Thanks kate, yea ill wait 3-4 weeks next time i go into depressed mode, lol, good thing that only lasted 3-4 hours.
Hmm, i dont think i have that type of skin that you have turtle, because when i go outside and get sun/sweat, the redness will fade a bit. |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:22 pm |
[quote="google5"] but once blood starts moving in my body(start walking around, taking awarm shower etc..) they get redder. quote]
That would be associated with what i am trying to explain. Steam in showers can cause it..Not everyone reacts the same..but if they are not zits, and your skin is might very well be broken caps. Or simply blotchiness...Maybe another dermotologist can verify that. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:27 pm |
Thanks for the info turtle.
What im looking for now is that page that shows what oils and things help for certain skin conditions... it looks something like this..
ACNE: jojoba oil, ylang ylang, etc (its something like that) but, those arnt the right ones i dont htink, and the list is alot longer. |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:34 pm |
Sorry, i need to edit my schedule, since i re-read over carekates pm's. . But what does spot treating mean? putting it on one pimple that seems bigger?
My doctor suggested clearlight ( What do you girls think?
-Cleanse with only water
-Dr. Hauschka's cleansing cream
-ACV toner
-spot treatment (if needed for new breakouts)
-150mg clindomyicin pill with breakfast
-Redness busting oil(if needed)
- Wet washcloth dabbing, then duac
-shower with aveeno cleanser
-Facial mask 1-2 times a week (sensitive skin)
-Dr H Cleansing Cream
-ACV toner
-Vitamin C Serum(if needed)
-Retin A(maybe) |
Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:30 pm |
I think if you have low self esteem from this, then i would try the clear light. I got photofacials for my reddness, and I feel Soooo much better that i got it done. It might cost a little, but itll be worth it in the long run. As for now, see if any of these cheaper solutions work...but keep the clearlight in mind  |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:17 am |
purpleturtle wrote: |
I think if you have low self esteem from this, then i would try the clear light. I got photofacials for my reddness, and I feel Soooo much better that i got it done. It might cost a little, but itll be worth it in the long run. |
That’s great idea in theory, but our poor Google is still a high school student dependent upon his parents for financial support and – unfortunately – his mom doesn’t appear to be very sympathetic about paying for any type of skin-care products or “experimental” (read: expensive) solutions at this time. That is actually the reason that I prepared and sent Google all of those homemade skin-care items in the first place....
Jeff -
For what it’s worth, when I was in high school (all those many centuries ago!), there was a boy in my year – whom I had known since the 5th grade – and he simply had really rosy cheeks. They never went away, although they would get brighter if he physically exerted himself or got embarrassed or whatever. I know that this poor boy was MORTIFIED by his red cheeks because he thought it made him look really young. He was terribly self-conscious about it, and I’m sure he probably tried all kinds of products or “folk remedies” in order to try and cure it. I know for sure that nothing ever helped him, because I saw him at our 10th H.S. reunion a few years ago, and he still had his rosy cheeks even at nearly 30 years of age.
If redness is caused by the faded marks from old acne/pimple breakouts, it *will* begin to fade away with regular use of the ACV toner and the “Super Sonic” mask I sent you.
Broken capillaries are tiny, thin little squiggly marks that are usually bright cherry red – they are NOT huge red blotchy marks that take up a large area on your face. If the redness you are experiencing is caused by broken caps, with prolonged and continued usage of the ACV toner I sent you, they will eventually begin to fade so that they are less noticeable, but the only way to completely rid one’s self of broken caps is by having expensive laser treatments performed.
Another cause of facial redness is rosacea. I am *not* an expert on this skin condition, although I have done a little research on it to see if there were any type of ingredients or essential oils that I could add to my homemade products that would help ‘calm’ the redness caused by rosacea. A dermatologist should be able to determine if your redness is a result of rosacea, but I’m not sure if there are any prescription remedies available that would help ‘cure’ it.
The “Redness Busting Oil” that I sent you was custom-blended with specific ingredients that should help – with regular continued usage!!! – to address redness that is caused by these three conditions, but...
The point I’m trying to make is that – *after* you have given the skincare products I sent you at least a couple of months to work – if you still have those red patches on your face, you might have to simply come to terms with the fact that you have been “cursed” with the same type of ‘perpetually rosy cheeks’ that my old high school chum had to endure.
I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, and I sincerely hope that your redness is *not* the result of the perpetual rosy cheeks....
In the meantime, please keep using the skincare stuff that I sent you and try not to be tempted into trying other additional products that promise you miraculous, overnight results to get rid of the redness because there are usually no such things as miracles. When you start to get low on any of the products, send me a PM to let me know and I will prepare another batch and send it to you. Please don’t wait until you actually run out of stuff to contact me because the goal is for you to use the items for an uninterrupted period of time!
There is one other homemade skincare product that I’m in the process of trying to develop for a friend on another skincare/beauty forum who actually has a bonafide case of rosacea. She’s going to be my first ‘guinea-pig’ but if she sees results from it, I will make a batch for you and send it to you next time.
P.S. For the record, I *wasn’t* ignoring you last week: I was out of town for a family funeral for the first part of the week and then I returned home I was struck down with one of my chronic medical episodes. Am I forgiven?! |
_________________ Über-oily,semi-sensitive, warm/fair-skinned redhead, 38...Will swap/shop for members outside U.S. and/or make homemade skincare products upon demand-PM me for details. |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:41 pm |
Yes you are, hehe. sorry about that.
But my whole cheek isnt rosie, just some little spots and stuff like that, looks like spots from past-acne, but i am not really sure. I just ordered some dr hauschka's cleansing cream, since i dont have it .
I really want to get a clearlight appointment setup, purpleturtle, how many have you had, and how was the first one?
Just read something about acne scarring, i think i have scarring.. and its said to not go away .
This sucks.
edit: Couple questions, my dad is saying that my skin wont get better unless i use Retin-A to peel the skin, whitch isnt good is it? But, what products get the crap out of my skin that you sent me?
Also, PLEASE look over this, i noticed how strong some of the products that i had b4 are, and i would like someone to look over them.
-Cleanse with only water
-Dr. Hauschka's cleansing cream
-ACV toner
-spot treatment (if needed for new breakouts)
-150mg clindomyicin pill with breakfast
-Redness busting oil(if needed)
- Wet washcloth dabbing, then duac(5% benzoyl peroxide, 1% clindomyicin, should i use it?)
-shower with aveeno cleanser
-Facial mask 1-2 times a week (sensitive skin)
-Dr H Cleansing Cream
-ACV toner
-Vitamin C Serum(if needed)
-Retin A? (should i use it?) |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:06 pm |
Carekate, u're soooo nice!!! I sure hope the stuff that u sent Google will help his skin clear up in a few months. Please keep us posted Google. Good luck! |
_________________ 29, Asian, combo reactive skin. |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:49 pm |
I got photofacials..which are to diminish reddness and broken caps. It took about 3 treatments to see any difference, but little did I know the place didn't have an up-to-date machine..therefore they gave me several extra treatments for free. My skin looks a whole lot better..I did a payment plan and it worked out lovely. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:55 pm |
are those like clearlight?
currently parents are in a money problem... so i dont know what to do. |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:59 pm |
I think clearlight is specifically for acne marks..the reddness that can stay after acne. I'm still not sure if you have broken caps or not but they say that reddness in general is really small broken caps..but usually they just go back into the bloodsteam and go away...some stay permanent, in which you actually see a broken blood vessel..sometimes small and faint, sometimes larger and more dilated.
Many places know that not everyone can afford such they have payment plans. Even if you wait a year and turn 16..get a part time job..then you can pay a small amount per month. |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:06 pm |
god its just i hate it so much. In school i feel that i cant really meet new people/try to get a girlfriend with it. it sucks.
But, i think the redness is from when i rubbed my skin about 3 years ago, because it was itchy, and i think it became red and blotchy-like then. |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:07 pm |
-Cleanse with only water
-Dr. Hauschka's cleansing cream*
-ACV toner
(-Vit C serum)
-spot treatment
-150mg clindomyicin pill with breakfast
-Redness busting oil(if needed)*
- Wet washcloth dabbing, then duac*- only spot treat with this. ie: just on pimples
-shower with aveeno cleanser
-Dr H Cleansing Cream*
-ACV toner
(-Vit C serum)
-Retin A (every 2 or 3 mights and on spots)
-Facial mask 1-2 times a week* (sensitive skin)
The Vit C needs to be used everyday, along with sunscreen. It can be used at night it you want, but continued use is important. 3 or 4 drops should be enough to do your entire face and neck. Saturating your skin in any of these products is not helpful. As for the Retin A...your dad is kind of right, IMO. To get rid of scarring, you do need to somehow exfoliate the area and use products that will help to heal it properly. Retin A will exfoliate. Don't be scared of Retin A, it is a useful product. It just doesn't need to be overused. If you are feeling burny or stingy, it is too much. A bit of light peeling is okay, but of you are constantly peeling, again, it is too much. Cut it back more if you like. Keep in mind as well, a pea-size amount is sufficient to do your entire face. If you decide not to use it as often, I would still use it daily on pimples.
The things that I put a * beside should not be used now. I would wait 2 to 3 weeks before incorporating these into the routine. You are expecting miracles over night, and it won't work like that. It will take a few months for your skin to show any great improvment. In the meantime, adding new products slowly will help to reduce the purging and potential negative reactions, etc. Just keep it simple, use less of everything, and be consistent...
Faith  |
_________________ ~normal but prone to dryness~slightly sensitive~usually clear~totm breakouts~mid 20s~ |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:26 pm |
google5 wrote: |
god its just i hate it so much. In school i feel that i cant really meet new people/try to get a girlfriend with it. it sucks.
But, i think the redness is from when i rubbed my skin about 3 years ago, because it was itchy, and i think it became red and blotchy-like then. |
thanks for the info faith, will start doing it on saturday!
check the quote, maybe you can tell what it is |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:30 pm | might very well be broken caps. Theres stages..blotches in skin is one. If you even check the skin in natural lighting..or harsher lighting you might see the tiny vessels. I was harsher with my skin around your age and thats actually when I got my most damage. Stay away from rubbing with towels and stuff..those definitely can break thin skins! |
_________________ Extremely fair/sensitive skin(mild rosacea)that burns very easy.acne is rare/skin is dry.27 years old. |
Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:39 pm |
yea, only mirrors i look in are kinda bright, so i can see everything, doesnt seem "veiny" though... But i guess those are them.... but thats better then acne scarring, right?
well im off to bed, will check this in the morning. night all. |
Sat Oct 15, 2005 12:49 pm |
does spot treating mean, like, just putting a small amount on a big pimple/whitehead? |
Tue Mar 04, 2025 8:54 pm |
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