Product Reviews from our Forum users
::Review:: GEHWOL BALM for dry rough skin
Excellent! I have been having problems with the skin on the bottom of my feet...always dry and rough, and lately both heels have had large cracks which have been extremely painful. My Mom gave me a sample of Gehwol Balm (says it's a new product on the tube) and I have been completely satisfied. Anything else I have tried, and there have been lots of different things, didn't work very well, resulted in slippery/sticky feet, and I wasn't encouraged to continue using them. BUT, with Gehwol Balm the cream
Gehwol Medicated Foot Salve for Cracked Skin - FABULOUS!!!!
Ladies (and gentlemen), I may be behind with the times on this perhaps but I have just over the last few days discovered what an absolute star product this salve really is!!! :smt049 :smt049 :smt049 :smt049 :smt049
I have been wearing thongs the last week or so, doing lots of gardening and cleaning up from the storms, walking around bare-foot at home on the timber floors (always a killer for my usually soft feet) and in general just not taking good care of my feet. As I went to bed a few days ago
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