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I hate that some docs poo poo on at home LED's...
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Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:50 pm      Reply with quote
None of my doctors have started selling them yet but all of them have commented from one time or another how great my skin looks.
I answer this question on a weekly question as to does it honestly work. I always answer that although I still use my Baby Q bi-weekly and have for several years, I still say results are superficial at best. It does something, whether that is simply helping my products to absorb better or just "plump up my skin". It can also be just my products, general health and/or lifestyle. But it is not a miracle, wrinkle-busting machine that can replace what photofacials and such do for my skin. If so, I would honestly and whole-heartedly recommend it, which I won't.
When I did that article in the New York Times in 2007 I stated my honest opinion (along with the docs) and that has not changed:
My derms say that they just haven't seen enough indisputable results as a direct and absolute correlation to the product to pitch them at the cost it would require. I respect that, which is why I can't in good conscience always advise someone to run out and buy one, given the cost factor.
It is a personal choice. I made it and I stubbornly use it in order to justify that choice (and cost).
I don't want my doc/derm/med spa to turn into a Jiffy Lube and recommend things that they are not completely behind. I have to trust that they will recommend something that is proven to help me, especially at the prices they charge these days.
So that being said, I called my derm (personal friend and instigator of trouble) to weigh in on this debate. Her reply was that there is evidence that in the future these LEDS MIGHT provide SOME benefit to skin maintenance, but they were not powerful enough to reverse any aging for which many make claims. It might also be dangerous in the hands of the average consumer in terms of making these devices stronger until further studies can provide actual data by independent studies, not just the companies that produce them. Her final (and personal) take was that there just wasn't enough evidence yet to convince her to sell them . She has used several that were given to her by the reps for a trial basis and was honestly just not impressed, bottom line.
As I have always said, my personal response on the results is that to me it's like the Emperor's New Clothes, yet I still use it. My hubby swears I use it because I feel guilty over the cost rather than let it sit in my closet, therefore justifying my purchase. Yes it's true, go figure.

Joined the 50 club several years back, blonde w/ fair/sensitive skin, Texas humidity and prone to rosacea, light breakouts and sunburns, combo skin type, starting to see sundamage and fine lines
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Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:03 pm      Reply with quote
AnnieR, thank you very much for such an honest and well thought out answer. I greatly appreciate hearing your opinion on this, as well as what your doctors/friend had to say. I tend to still think that the results are a temporary plumping (not that this is a bad thing if it helps one look better), but I just haven't seen enough to tell me the results are permanent or making a change at a cellular level. Thanks again for weighing in.
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Thu Feb 04, 2010 1:51 pm      Reply with quote
You are so very welcome.
I sat on the sideline reading this thread for a day or two, debating whether to chime in.
There are so many people who have had really good results that sound like have come from these devices that I didn't want to rain on any ones parade. And I do not like engaging in debates on products and techniques here as I have seen it get too far out of hand when someone feels very strongly as to their opinion.
All I can do is post my own HONEST opinion and results (and my derms opinion) and happily defer to those that have their own albeit different results to share. (In other words, I am thread gun shy now).
In the beginning, I really wanted to believe I saw more than what was there (especially since i paid that for it), but it in all honesty looking back I believe had more to do with finding some really great product lines that changed my skin as well. When you are trying new techniques, products and ways of dealing with your skin all at once, you can't help but change it for the better.
But the proof came in the time of using the device according to the specs and that nothing changed beyond that initial "plumping". I wanted and looked for it to be more.
I do honestly believe if it was a device that TRULY showed measurable results, the derms/docs would be on the bandwagon for sure as they do make money off of selling these. My friend sells Clarisonic for an unbelievable mark up in her med/spa, (she should be ashamed) and boy do they push them. In the treatments, facials, cleansing, exams/consults, it's the thing to buy to change your skin. I bought mine on EDS, you can't match the price. Yet, we all have our opinion on those too (some days I too am on the fence on this one)!
So as my friend said, if in fact docs are poo-pooing these devices, it is because the concrete results are just not there, YET. She doesn't naysay when asked, just says she is waiting to see.
Aren't we all?

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Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:31 pm      Reply with quote
I need to chime in with my horrific untouched pictures... (I swore I would not do this again, but with 3 glasses of Pinot Grigio under my belt, what the hell..)

For what it's worth, (and God strike me dead if I did anything to these pictures), but here is a picture of me (1st) on my 59th birthday in Jan 2009, and the 2nd is just after my 60th birthday on Jan 1 2010. (Granted, they are just stupid pictures with nothing much the same. In fact my 8 year old grandson took the 2nd one while just horsing around with the kids a couple of weeks ago. I also assure you, that I was at my worst... Laughing

I'm not sure what your eyes will tell you, but what mine are seeing is a definite lifting and plumping of my entire mid face and cheeks... And no, I never had anything injected in my face, and haven't done facial exercise or anything else... The only thing that has been consistent for me, other than my DIY serums, is the AALS. For what it's worth, (or not), here it is... (I just looked at a similar picture of myself from 2007, and I'm embarrassed to post it now........ I might, if I finish off the Pinot Grigio though.. Laughing Embarassed )

59th birthday;

60th birthday (within weeks)

I'm working on the miserable pouchy jowl, that is a total thorn in my side... Crying or Very sad .... Other than that, I'm a happy (60 year old) camper... Dancing Dancing Dancing

Long story short, I obviously have more *collagen* happening now, than I had this time last year... In my experience it's been cumulative and long term. I can't speak for other LED's, but for sure I'm not stopping my LightStim use any time soon..... Can't wait to see what 2011 has in store.... Cool

And now I need a cigarette and another glass of Pinot.... Cheer's Kiddies! Image

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:15 pm      Reply with quote
Well I am just starting on my first glass so I can still focus!
I can see the difference, absolutely! Tone, coloring, plumpness and radiance, it clearly shows. Are you sure that's not your daughter your trying to pass off?????
I wonder if the LightSim just has better results than the Baby Q?
Maybe we should poll and see how many LightSim people have had good results and how many Baby Q or Quasar people had those type of results.
I cannot share before and after as I have had Juvaderm,resty and botox in the past and still don't have those results.
You look so incredibly fab for your age, I can't even believe it. I would love skin like that at this age, but alas, genetics and growing up totally outdoors has put me past the restore point I am afraid.
But now I am tempted to buy the LightSim to see.
Thanks for sharing those inspirational pics.
And now I'll go down my glass in depression!

Joined the 50 club several years back, blonde w/ fair/sensitive skin, Texas humidity and prone to rosacea, light breakouts and sunburns, combo skin type, starting to see sundamage and fine lines
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Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:00 pm      Reply with quote
Kassy - Thanks for showing the pics - what a trooper. - I saw pics a few years back (mid 50's) and you were pretty then, of course and for those of you who didn't see them she looks all the better at 60. With no primping for the pic. (and we all know what a difference that can make.)

Just so you all know I do not own an AALS so I have no agenda there. Kassy's mid 50 pics were before the AALS and she had tremendous results to her neck and face in rather short order (she shared those pictures also). I don't think her skin care was in full bloom then.

I know other members have switched lights due to Kassy's results. Not everything works the same for everybody but I agree with Keliu, Kassy is a the advertisement for fags and wine (or whatever libation Keliu meant Laughing ).

Enjoying dermalogica with my ASG and Pico toner ** Disclosure: I was a participant without remuneration in promotional videos for Ageless Secret Gold and the Neurotris Pico Emmy event.
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Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:39 pm      Reply with quote
Kassy girlfriend you are rocking!!! You were great at 59 but the WOW factor is kicking in at the now. I can definitely see the difference, more tone and more lift. The action plan has really paid off and truly there has been a commitment of time with light treatments to achieve not only hold back the aging but turning it around and going the other way!!!! Dancing

You truly look amazing and your willingness to share your pictures,procedures, and offer advice is the reason I joined this forum two years ago. Without doubt, you are truly the poster diva for Lightstim. go girl go!!!

female,"50 something" medium to thick normal skin, no wrinkles,Lightstim,Easy Eye Solutions,Green Smoothies,Ageless Secret Gold, Pico Toner,Beautiful Image
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Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:26 pm      Reply with quote
I wish I could do the Retin A but time and time again my skin just cannot take it and it totally freaks out with months of recovery in between. That is why I use the retinals instead as my skin is SO SENSITIVE. Now it is the same as I said that the products produced as good as results as maybe the Baby Q, and maybe more so. I started using IS ProHeal and my skin instantly improved and has so since then.
Definitely things to look into but why my derm is so reluctant to hop on board the LED train yet.
You would have to do a study of LED and no other collagen simulators or products and I am not there. I get to try so many products that I just don't want to give those up in order to figure if just LEDS alone can do it.

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Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:30 pm      Reply with quote
AnnieR wrote:

You would have to do a study of LED and no other collagen simulators or products and I am not there. I get to try so many products that I just don't want to give those up in order to figure if just LEDS alone can do it.

Exactly, to really know if the LED's are working and it is not other products at play, you would need to stop everything else and strictly just use the LED's for a time to see.
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Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:15 pm      Reply with quote
Skippie wrote:
I think your skin looks wonderful at both ages, Kassy. It gives me hope at 49. I'd love to see the earlier picture so I can be even more hopeful. Wink I'd love to know whether you ever had lip lines or neck lines, both of which drive me batty.

I'm very tempted to get the AALS and do a half face test with the Warp 10.

I'm glad I finally opened a thread before the pictures were gone.

Trust me when I tell you my skin was very sallow looking and my cheeks had very little definition. I had significant decline from about 54 through 57, where I saw negative changes on a daily basis. Up until that point I looked much younger than the clock said, and thought I'd stay that way.. Laughing (The post menopausal years strike with a vengeance, and it's an unrelenting downhill slide.. Sad )

With *all* the things I've learned here at EDS about what's good for the skin, things have slowly, but steadily turned around. Yes, I have bought and tried every gadget under the sun, and have been disappointed with all but the LightStim, Vaculifter and Derma Wand. The LS + V are responsible for all of the good things I've experienced. For me it's not about one miracle product, because I don't believe there's any such thing. I find my results are best when things work synergistically. That goes not only for topical products, but gadgets as well. Ex; I pump up the circulation with my vaculifter, and feel the LED can do better job following that. (I believe in the power of energy, and see nothing wrong with a one two punch.)

Yes, I had lots of vertical smokers lines from 45 years of smoking, and now all but 2 fine lines are gone. I give 90% of the credit for that to the Vaculifter.

Yep, I have the same 2 dreaded neck rings that most people have, but they have softened by about 75%. Some days they are almost not noticeable at all, and others they are quite apparent.. It all depends on how hydrated I am, and if I've neglected the rich and nourishing products I like to use. The LED did amazing things for my neck as far as *some* tightening, toning and lessening the neck rings goes. I know this, because those changes were quick and apparent long before I ever heard of Vaculifter... Now that I've added that, the results are all the better. The Vaculifter keeps my neck tighter than anything else though.

One thing I'd like to say to some of you though is this. If you already own an LED please give it all you've got before trying another. Once you are sure that you respond positively to LED's, then I'd say sure, go for the AALS and you will *probably* get better results. (Anyway, that's what my friends are telling me behind closed doors.. Very Happy )

Skippie, you have beautiful skin. I don't remember even seeing lip lines on you. They are a swift PITA though, I hated mine.

When DH gets home from his business trip tomorrow, I'll see if I can dig an older picture out of his computer....(Hopefully he won't be snowed in at Newark all day waiting for his flight.. Pray )

I'm totally loving my girly-girl at home spa week though ... wave

♥I'm flattered by all the lovely PM's, but I don't get here much these days. Please don't be afraid to post your quearies to other DIY members who will be glad to help you (or sell you their Still happy with LED, dermarolling and a DIY antioxidant regime. Peace & Hugs to all.♥
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Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:27 pm      Reply with quote
Kassy it is posts like this that keep us glued to EDS. Sharing pictures, protocols, and recipes, and most important your personal is so helpful and motivating. Because of you and others, I have spent a fortune,seen amazing results,laughed till I cried, but most importantly have the confidence to boogie on down the road!! Wink

female,"50 something" medium to thick normal skin, no wrinkles,Lightstim,Easy Eye Solutions,Green Smoothies,Ageless Secret Gold, Pico Toner,Beautiful Image

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Mon Feb 08, 2010 8:41 pm      Reply with quote
So as not to derail this thread, the discussion on the gelatin study has been split and moved to its own thread. If you would like to follow the discussion, this topic now sits here:
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