1. A macule (MAK-ul) is
a small, discolored spot or patch on the surface of the skin, neither raised nor sunken,
as freckles.
2. A papule (PAP-yool) is a small, elevated pimple in the skin, containing no
fluid, but which may develop pus.
3. A wheal (HWEEL), is an itchy, swollen lesion that lasts only a few
hours. (Example: hives or the bite of an insect, such as by a mosquito.)
4. A tubercie (TOO-ber-kel) is a solid lump larger than a papule. It projects
above the surface or lies within or under the skin. It varies in size from a pea to a
hickory nut.
5. A tumor (TOO-mohr) is an external swelling, varying in size, shape and color.
6. A vesicle (VES-i-kel) is a blister with clear fluid in it. Vesicles lie
within or just beneath the epidermis. (example: poison ivy produces small vesicles.)
7. A bulla (BYOO-lah) is a blister containing a watery fluid, similar to
a vesicle, but larger.
8. A pustule (PUS-chool) is an elevation of the skin having an inflamed base,
containing pus.