Buyer Beware!
All cosmetic products are self-regulated.
However, any
cosmetics that make drug claims are regulated as drugs, and must be pre-approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). Otherwise, the
FDA does not “approve” or ‘disapprove” cosmetics. It only requires
that cosmetics be safe and properly labeled. Ingredient listings are
required for all consumer products, in descending
order of percentage levels. Be aware that products representing less than 100
the total ingredients can be listed in an order.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates advertising or product
claims, and takes complaint from consumers about them. The following
factors are included in the
FTC’s consideration about the fairness or deception of an advertisement
or product claim: product involved, type of claim,
benefits of
the claim, consequences of a false claim.
The next time you are selecting products to use in your home care regimen, consider what the
ingredients and claims are telling you, and get recommendations from your
esthetician, especially if you have specific skin care needs.
T-Shirt SPF!
Research presented at the annual American Academy
of Dermatology
convention and a recent Photomedicine Society
meeting in New Orleans, indicated that typical summer shirt fabrics lose about 50% of their ability to
provide sun burn
protection after 100 laundering cycles and approximately 100 days of
intenseUW exposure. The shirts tested offered SPF 9.7 and SPF 11.6
protection, much less than the SPF 15 protection recommended by medical
Facial Wellness
Healthy skin has a radiant glow that comes from the inside. The best
way to obtain and maintain this sparkle is with regular and thorough
facial cleansing. A good cleansing should do more than just remove makeup;
it also should address dead cells and blood circulation. Ask your
esthetician about brushing your skin for an excellent way to exfoliate and
increase blood circulation, encouraging better delivery of oxygen and
nutrients to your delicate facial skin.
Holistic Medicine
The appearance of the skin is a direct reflection of a person’s diet, digestion, physical activity and emotional stability. Therefore, ailments affecting the skin often are indicators
of internal unrest. Holistic medicine looks at the entire body and establishes a relationship between internal and external ailments. It searches to understand underlying causes to complaints, such as lack of sleep or nutritional deficiencies. In doing this, it establishes long-term solutions to treat the overall condition instead of prescribed treatments for individual symptoms. In terms of a skin problem, a holistic investigation is often extended to toxicity levels, such as sun exposure and pollution intake, treatment and cleansing regiments, digestion, waste disposal, and herbal and vitamin intake.
For example, an acne flare-up in an adult could indicate an increase in stress levels or a change in diet, environment or lifestyle. Following holistic theory, the acne would continue until the source of the disturbance was dealt with and rectified. For example, a person with a new job may experience an increase in stress along with less time for sleep and exercise. A holistic cure might include soothing herbs and essential oils to reduce anxiety, massage or meditation to promote relaxation and decrease stress, and an increase in water intake and fruits to aid in digestion and nourish the skin and body.
Acne is a common skin problem that can be reflected by internal ailments. Use the
following guide to help re-evaluate your daily regiment and rebalance your life, leading to fewer breakouts and a healthier overall being:
Location of Acne - Area of body reflecting Imbalance
Forehead - Intestinal
Cheeks - Lung and breast
Nose - Heart
Around mouth - Reproductive
Jaw - Kidney
Shoulders - Digestive
Chest - Lung and heart
Treatment for Wrinkles
The use of botulinum-A exotoxin (or Botox, which is a trade name of Allergan Corporation, Irvine, CA) for the reduction of wrinkles has changed the face of cosmetic medicine. Qualified I physicians can treat and improve the appearance of dynamic lines caused from facial animation and motion with injections of the exotoxin. Lines in the neck, vertical lines between the, eyebrows, horizontal wrinkles above the eyebrows and crow s feet all respond well to it. The results, which vary among individuals, can last up to four months, and lines can be retreated I upon reappearance. The botulinum-A exotoxin activates the I muscle and not the skin or fat, so there is no potential for ab- I sorption or toxiciry, even if several areas are treated simultaneously.
Regular skin care maintenance and treatments with an esthetician before and after the treatment should be continued. It is important to note that this procedure is not for everyone, and you must seek the advice from a qualified and reputable cosmetic surgeon for this procedure. Your esthetician may be able to recommend local, reputable physicians. If this procedure is pursued simultaneous botulinum-A exotoxin injections and tissue augmentations, such as collagen injections or fat I transfer to the lower pan of the face, or treatments, such as I chemical exfoliations, that complement the injection may also be recommended.