Fact: The average newborn comes into the world with more than 300
manufactured chemicals in its body due to the amount of toxins ingested by the
Fact: The average onset of puberty has moved up one full year in the U.S.
in this decade due to hormones in the meat that children consume, as well as the
manufactured estrogens from the pesticides found in fruits and vegetables.
Fact: One out of every 20 children has asthmatic problems.
Fact: Today, one out of every ten couples seeks assistance from synthetic
hormones to become pregnant because environmental estrogens are affecting
fertility in men.
The Future of Wellness
The future of wellness lies in the willingness to incorporate behaviors that
fortify our bodies against today’s toxins. Here are some tips to achieve a
healthy, clean body for yourself and your family as the 21” century
· Consume bottled—non-chlorinated—water daily.
· Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Thoroughly wash all fruits and
vegetables in a solution of lemon juice and baking soda to remove pesticides.
· Consume less meat and fewer dairy products.
· Schedule seasonal in-spa detoxification therapies.
· Breathe in deeply and exhale completely.
· Bathe weekly in essential oils and algae.
· Take dietary supplements to compensate for enzymes and nutrients missing
in foods to combat free radicals and toxins.
Words of Wisdom
Trust in yourself. Your creativity will flow and life will be easier to
Choose challenge and change. Ask for hugs.
Talk to the child inside you. Tell the child it is loved.
Do something that will make you feel good about yourself; have a massage, buy
yourself a special treat or take a day off.
Stop blaming yourself and
stop blaming others.
Ask someone you trust to tell you what they like about you.
Raise your energy level by practicing deep breathing; exercise on a regular
Communicate with nature.
Practice self-affirmations: “I now trust myself completely.”
Sit quietly and listen to your heart.
Dry Skin
Winter is here, which means that more than likely, your skin is feeling
pretty dry and itchy. Some people are genetically predisposed to having dry
skin, while others with sensitive skin often experience drier than normal skin
during the winter months.
Dry skin, also known as winter’s itch, is a common skin type that
generally is drier and less oily. Flaky, itchy skin often is observed on the
face, arms or legs. Because elasticity of the skin is reduced, dry skin ofren
feels rough.
Are you concerned about dry skin? If so, consult with your skin care
professional to find out more about treatments and products that could help
relieve your symptoms.
Protect your skin from the Sun
It may still be cold and dreary outside, but believe it or
not, the sun’s harmful rays still could damage your skin.
Skin cancer quickly is becoming one of the most common forms
of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately one million
cases of skin cancer were diagnosed in 1998. Melanoma, the most serious form,
was diagnosed in about 41,600 people. An estimated 9,200 will die from skin
cancer in 1999.
These are frightening facts. The members of the Esthetics
Manufacturers & Distributors Alliance (EMDA) have identified the following
as the most important ways to protect skin from the harmful effects of the sun.
Apply a minimum of SPF 15 sunscreen under makeup, or use a foundation that
contains SPF. Applying vitamin C topical cream with sun block increases its
effectiveness. Topical antioxidants and antioxidant nutritional supplements
help protect skin from sun damage.
· Skin care products that contain ingredients such as
hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin help protect skin from the sun.
Anti-aging treatments than contain AHAs, BHAs and vitamin A
help combat premature aging.
Avoid overexposure when the sun’s rays are strongest,
from 10 AM until 4 PM. Be sure to discuss all of your skin care needs and
concerns with your esthetician, who can recommend products that will work best
with your skin type.