Optimal waxing
Take care of your skin before and after a waxing service to optimize results
Before waxing:
Do not apply a thick coat of moisturizer.
Do not sit in the sun or go to the tanning booth.
Do not use any abrasive body or facial scrubs.
Do not apply any products containing Retin-A, glycolic acid or alpha
hydroxy acid.
Do not consume large amounts of caffeine.
After Waxing:
Do not touch the skin unless hands are sanitized. Do not apply anything to the area that
has been waxed
unless advised by the technician.
Do not expose the skin to sun or use a tanning bed for at least 24 hours.
Do not take a hot shower for at least four hours.
Do not leave the salon and work out at the gym.
Do not have a facial if facial hair has been waxed.
Do not use strong perfumes, deodorants and cosmetics for at least 12 hours.
Note. A waxing technician cannot predict how the skin will react. If you are considering
having a waxing service because you have a special event coming up such as a cruise or
wedding, please consult with the waxing technician and have this area waxed one month
before the event. This will give the technician an idea of how your skin will react to
waxing. If there is no reaction, you can have the area waxed one week before the event.
Fine wrinkles Solution
If you are seeking treatment for fine lines and wrinkles, you probably dont want to
take off too much;b time from work or an active lifestyle. Thats why non-ablative
treatments for facial rejuvenation offer a solution, according to the American Society
for Dermatological Surgery. This noninvasive approach is ideal for fine lines and skin
imperfections, and eliminates the prolonged side effects and extended recovery period
characteristic of traditional resurfacing techniques. In a study conducted by Patrick H.
Bitter, Jr., MD, of Campbell, CA, and published in the September 2000 issue of
Dermatological Surgery, 49 patients who received four or more full-face intense pulsed
light treatments, a specific type of non-ablative procedure, saw dramatic improvement. All
aspects of photo-damage, including wrinkling, skin texture irregularities, pigmentation,
pore size and broken blood vessels, showed visible improvement in more than 9000 of
subjects with minimal downtime and no scarring. A high degree of , patient satisfaction
was reported with 88% of subjects satisfied, 61% very satisfied and 27% extremely
satisfied. Non-ablative, or non-wounding, lasers and intense-pulsed light sources work by
targeting light ergy on the underlying skin while leaving the surface of the skin if
harmed and intact.
Rosacea and work disruption
A recent study by the National Rosacea Society has found that the symptoms of rosacea
often can disrupt the work lives of the estimated 13 million Americans who suffer from the
facial disorder. In a study of 700 patients, published in Rosacea Review, 66% of those
with severe symptoms said rosacea affected their professional interactions, and 33% had
canceled or postponed business meetings because of their appearance. A total of 28%
reported missing work because of their condition and 28% also said it influenced their
being chosen for a new job or promotion. However, according to Diane Thiboutot, MD,
associate professor of dermatology at Pennsylvania State University, there is medical
therapy available that can effectively control the symptoms of this chronic and often
progressive disorder. 888-662-5874, rosaceas@aol.com
Women account for approximately 8000 of United States spa-goers, and the number of spas is
growing at 210o a year. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, 5,700 U.S. spas are trying to
fill 39 million square feet of mud baths, herbal-wrap rooms and meditation chambers. And
they want men to fill their appointment books.
Back waxing has grown in popularity at spas and many are luring men with team sports and
competitive challenges. After Green Valley Spa in St. George, Utah, added a Vic Braden
tennis camp and a Golf Digest golf school recently, male enrollment shot up to 3000 from
1000. The spa industry is tripping over itself to speak man, says Patricia
Ryan, sales and marketing director for PSI Inc., a Newport Beach, CA, spa products
The ayurvedic state of mind
Searching for the Fountain of ~ Havent found it yet Well maybe the problem is
your state of mind. According to ayurveda and the wisdom traditions of the East,
ones attitude is want makes all the difference in the world. Ayurveda teaches that a
life lived in fellowship with prakurti, or in a mind-body union, is a life that will
maintain youthfulness throughout. In other words, a 70-year-old woman could feel 17
again sounds nice, but how is it done? In the Tibetan tradition this can be
accomplished though proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, quality relaxation and sleep,
seasonally determined hygiene and positive communication with the world around us.
However, it is important to remember that the cultivation of an ayurvedic lifestyle will
not stop the aging process dead in its tracks, but will rather slow it down and keep your
spirits up. Just think how nice it would be to only be as old as you feel ... so start
thinking young.
With summer fast approaching, it is important to review the Not-so-obvious
Golden rules of Sunscreen Use before both our minds and bodies take a well-deserved
leave of absence.
Apply sunscreen at least l4-inch into the hairline, and remember the ears.
It doesnt sound like much fun does it? But remember, neither is skin cancer
pre-cancer clusters, both of which are known to occur in these areas.
If the nose turns pink in the sun, use a stronger SPF. Note we are talking about pink
skin, not the traditional red associated with sunburn. Skin that is being chronically
pinkened is like/v to be seeing genetic mutations known to be linked to skin cancer.
If the scalp is exposed to the sun, apply Sunscreen. Sony, this doesn just apply to the
bald. Parts in the hair; along with the previously mentioned hairline, are quite
susceptible to sunburn, and therefore skin cancer; because of the lack of pigment cells
on these areas.
Love the way your sunscreen feels on your skin. Like the motto says, "If it feels
good, do it! The fact is people are more likely to do something if it feels good;
this doesnt exclude sunscreen. If your sunscreen feels good, you are more likely to
put more onas well as more frequently.
Use a sunscreens containing vitamin C.
No sunscreen is 100% effective at blocking the sun's rays, and it is inevitable that some
ultraviolet light will get through. However, by using sunscreens containing vitamin C
damage to skin cells can be minimized because they are more effective in preventing aging
and cancer.
Daily dose of minerals
Some makeup seems to travel at the speed of light; you put it on and the next thing you
notice its on your white blouse. Or maybe youre one who doesnt care if
its oil-free, hypoallergenic, or free from any sort of preservatives, but for some
reason all brands of makeup seem to irritate your sensitive skin. Your problems may be
solved with mineral makeup. While mineral makeup has been gaining popularity recently, the
elements that it comes from have been around for years, and are actually found in the
earth. These powdery formulas only contain a handful of components, unlike most
traditional makeup, which is made up of a barrage of factors including perfume, talc,
chemical dyes and chemical preservatives. Due to the fact that mineral makeup lacks
synthetic irritants, it is less likely to irritate skin, and it will last all day, despite
sweat. It protects skin from natural sunlight as well. In fact, mineral makeup is so
effective at blocking both UVA and UVB rays its even sold at golf shops to men as
sun powders. So whether youre female or male, minerals may be your best source
to satisfy your makeup needs.