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Skin Info

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Better than ever
More than eight out of ten Americans over 65 now are able to take care of themselves in routine activities of daily living, an 8.8% increase since 1982, according to a study conducted by the Academy of Anti-Aging Research (A4M). The study analyzed data on the elderly, chronically disabled from 1982 to 1999, and found a steady decline. In 1982, about 26.2% of older Americans were disabled. In 1999, the percentage dropped to 19.7%, about two out of every ten people over 65. Improved medical care. diet, exercise and public health advances made in the last decade have contributed to a more active and healthy old age. By following through with five key pillars, you too can be better educated as you get older, take better care of yourself than ever before, and take advantage of new medical knowledge. According to  board-certified physicians, proper anti-aging exercises, diet, supplementation, stress reduction and hormonal replacement therapy are the key pillars in an anti-aging plan. These and other methods of prevention can be discussed with your skin care professional.

Natural healthy aging
Natural remedies for preventing premature aging and reducing the existing signs of age have become more mainstream. Some of the herbs and natural extracts that achieve these results and should be discussed with your skin care professional are: green tea; seaweed; pure es­sential oils, particularly sandalwood, patchouli, ylang ylang, rose, chamomile, lavender, frankincense and jas­mine; ayurvedic herbs from India such as neem, sesame, turmeric, lotus powder and gotu kola; and fresh unproc­essed fruits, vegetables, dairy and grains.

Tips on tipping
Unsure about what to tip for skin care services? Generally spas post a ‘no tipping” policy or notify you beforehand if gra­tuity is included in the price of a service package. If the spa is unclear about what to do with tips, ask. Usually envelopes are provided with a place to write your name and the
professional’s name. Often, tips also can be added to a check or charge. For the most part, any amount is ap­preciated, and it is generally accepted to tip 10—15%, depending on the level of customer service received. The better the service, the more you should tip!

Fitness identities

Sports fitness. Let’s face it, you like to compare and compete, especially if it is physical, fun and with friends. The score, finishing time, speed, weight or distance is the means of measuring the accomplishment. However, the real currency is in the fulfillment of participating.

Stress fitness. For you, unwinding and de-compress­ing is the primary purpose of a fitness facility. You want to exercise on equipment while reading a book, watching a television program or listening to headphones, and you want to take a stretch or aerobics class with your favorite instructor. Afterward, you want to soak in the hot tub, get a body therapy treatment and go home. No fuss.

Fantasy world playground You thrive on change in the fitness environment. You quickly get bored with a fitness routine, and no matter how great the last fitness trend was, you want a new one each year. New music, new classes, new floor plan, new members, new toys and new techniques ... the more the mental and physical environment is changed, the more you love it.

Beat the aging clock. Love handles, stiffness, visual signs of aging, tiredness, aches and pains—all signs of your greatest fears and concerns about maturing. Don’t fret! In addition to the regular fitness programming and nutritional counseling, some fitness facilities have added spa therapies such as skin treatments, hair and nail ser­vices to accommodate you.

New World order. Country clubs and fine dining are important to some, when where you work out, who you play with, and available amenities are what matters. Nouveau-cool, cosmopolitan, baby boomer playgrounds are replacing country clubs of the past. A high-end, first-class facility might have it all, including a restaurant, juice lounge, valet, personal trainers, day spa, salon, laundry service, basketball and tennis courts, child care and sport-excursion groups.

Yoga types
Bhakti—the yoga of love or devotion
Integral or puma—the yoga of relaxation
inana—the yoga of knowledge
Karma—the yoga of action
Kundalini—the yoga of unlimited potential
Tantra—for expanding the consciousness
Laya—a yoga that uses five main energy centers
Raja—the yoga of physical and mental control
Hatha—the yoga of vitality, which is most commonly identified as ‘yoga”

While it is more than 5,000 years old, yoga has been re-introduced in today’s society as much-needed relief for the health concerns of our society. By faithfully following a daily practice of 20—30 minutes and adopting sound nutrition and meditation, anyone who practices yoga— called a yogi—can expect to:
·    Develop strength and muscle tone in all areas of the body.
·    Increase endurance and heighten resistance to many common disorders.
·    Maintain lifelong flexibility in spine and limbs.
·    Acquire greater control of the body through cultivation of balance and poise.
·    Overcome various negative conditions of the body.
·    Promote the regulation and redistribution of weight.

The benefits are similar, hut the approach to yoga practice is totally different from that of calisthenics. First, the mind and emotions must be quieted; yoga sessions should be approached in a calm, meditative mood. Then, performing the exer­cises, move slowly, with the poise, rhythm, control, grace and concentration of a dancer. Extreme positions should be held for a brief interval while the mind is focused fully on what the body is feeling. The asanas—the positions or poses used in yoga—can be done comfortably, at your own pace, with­out strain. Practiced this way, the asanas and breathing techniques of yoga can:
·    Bring peace, balance and a beautiful posture.
·    Eliminate tension and quiet the mind and emotions as necessary.
·    Release trapped energy.
·    Improve efficiency in all activities through steadiness of mind.
·    Discharge emotional stress.

Yoga is the ultimate rejuvenator. Everyone can par­ticipate in yoga and reap the benefits of a healthful and balanced extended life. Talk with your skin care professional about the benefits of rejuvenative exercise.


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Skin Anatomy and Physiology Acne Ingredients Cosmetics
Dictionary of Skin Care Terms Skin Care Advice Skin Problems
The Sun & Your Skin Skin Care News  

Weekly Deals

Dr Dennis Gross Vitamin C Lactic Dewy Deep Cream (60 ml / 2.0 floz) Peter Thomas Roth FIRMx Collagen Moisturizer (50 ml / 1.7 oz) Sundari Omega 3+ and Amalaki Night Cream (50 ml / 1.7 floz)

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