Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Choice
Every woman wants to continue an active, creative and energetic life, despite entering menopause, and is faced with the decision of whether to undergo hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement has many potential benefits, including:
· Decreased menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness
· Decreased risk of heart disease and stroke
· Decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease
· Decreased risk of colon cancer
· Decrease in macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness
· Improved bladder support
· Prevention of osteoporosis
· Preservation of natural teeth
Alternative therapies allow physicians to offer a woman a hormone replacement product based on her risk factors, philosophy and personal preferences. Pharmaceutical companies also have listened to requests for convenient and natural therapies and hormone replacement products. There are several options, including oral estrogen and transdermal patches, each of which can contain natural estrogen or a synthetic compound.
The greatest concern for most women is the possible increase risk of breast cancer. However, there isn’t significant evidence at this point to determine the validity of this fear. Current studies show that there can be an increased risk of breast cancer with hormone replacement therapy, but only after at least five years of use, and the risk does not appear to increase for those who have a first-degree relative, such as a mother or sister, with breast cancer. Hormone replacement also can effect your skin. Your skin care professional should be able to help identify treatments and options for you to help manage your skin during this stage of your life The dosage of hormone replacement is mild and strives for physiological
replacement not drug levels of hormones.
Hormone therapy isn’t for every woman. However, menopausal women can benefit from the positive effects of estrogen to control some negative aspects of aging, prevent disease, preserve wellness and suppress menopausal symptoms. Consult with your health care provider to determine what options are best for you.
Permanent cosmetic application is a safe and effective non-surgical procedure that implants pigment into the upper layer of the skin. When properly implanted, the procedure is permanent. However some clients will experience fading after a few years and may require touch-ups, often because of UV exposure. There are a variety of services offered by permanent cosmetic technicians, including eye liner, lip color, eyebrows and camouflage. The cost for the procedure varies depending on the type of pigmentation being done. For example, eye liner usually takes about an hour, as does lip liner and eyebrows, and is priced from
$200 - 800. Camouflaging face scars can be priced from $500 - 1,OOO. Permanent makeup applications can help to conceal a hyper- or hypopigmentation or be purely
cosmetic a matter of convenience and precision, allowing you to wake up looking great.
Makeup products and application can give a woman an emotional lift and be a great asset to helping you look and feel younger and more confident. Foundations that will de-age have a light consistency and are water- or slightly oil-based, not oil-free. Use one shade lighter than natural skin tone. Be sure it doesn’t contain too much red or skin will look blotchy; select warmer tones that blend into the neck and chest well.
Several types of foundations are available. Select the one that works best for you. Water-based liquid foundation provides light to medium coverage and is excellent for aging skin. Cream sticks provide medium to heavy coverage, depending on their application. Apply cream stick with a sponge, not the fingers. It can be slightly heavy for everyday street wear, but if you prefer the heavier coverage, use it conservatively.
Women over 40—as with most women—can benefit from the adage less is more. Keep all products light to prevent a caked-on look. The base should be applied only in the areas it is needed most: in areas of uneven texture and in reddened areas such as the chin, nose and cheeks. Never apply foundation close to the nose or eyes. Use light stippling strokes with a latex sponge wedge to cover uneven areas, blending toward the ears and the jaw line. Lightly blend over the untouched areas. Use concealer and a light dusting of powder in the areas that need extra coverage, such as around the nose and under the eyes.
Finish with a light dusting of blush on the cheeks, pastel eye shadow and barely there liner and mascara, and a flattering lipstick. For additional makeup tips, consult the professional makeup artist at your spa.
Chamomile has been used medicinally since Roman times. The flowering tops
of the chamomile plant are cultivated for both topical and internal applications. Chamomile oil is an essential oil containing bisabolol, a natural ingredient that helps reduce inflammation. It is an emollient with cooling and soothing properties that help smooth and relieve rough, dry lips.
Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States, affecting approximately 17 million people. Acne affects
64 - 95% of all teenagers, and occurs in 60 - 70% of adults. Acne is a complex and chronic disease of the pilosebaceous
unit the hair follicle and its attached gland. These units are located in skin throughout the body, but most commonly are densely concentrated on the face, chest and upper back. Acne can be mild, moderate or severe, sometimes with mild or excessive scarring. See your skin care professional about treatments and products that can help to reduce inflammation of acne and prevent scarring.
Spring Fashion
Fashion and makeup must work together in the new millennium to create a strong statement. Your statement this spring requires clothing to be just as sexy as you are! It is not surprising to find bright, optimistic wardrobe colors this season: pink, blue, green and yellow. Colors range from vivid to pastel. The key to wearing all this color is to choose a monochromatic style. Pick one color and wear it from head to toe. Overall, clothing styles have a
body conscious silhouette this spring, with a more casual approach. Think longer rather than shorter. However, personal choice prevails, and the fit is what matters. Must-haves this season include:
Short sweaters worn with tapered leg dark blue jeans.
Sporty-style jackets in short lean shapes.
Layered dresses, as well as Asian-influenced dresses.
Scarves, ruffles and tiny, textured handbags. Anything in leather!
The Eco-wellness Rave
Eco-wellness is about having respect for our planet and responsibility for what we do to the environment. The
ecowellness trend encompasses the movement to conserve energy as well as natural resources, while reducing waste on the planet. The eco-wellness trend embraces the desire to use natural earth products, such as muds, seaweeds, essential oils, stones and
botanicals products of nature in spa treatment services. Some very basic eco-wellness services to consider trying include
aromatberapy inhalation facial and body massages, heated stone therapy, detoxifying herbal linen wraps, purifying enzymatic seaweed and mud packs and ayurvedic shiro dhara treatments. Ask your esthetician about eco-wellness treatment offered in your salon.