Gentle skin care
Innovations in skin care treatments have led to a very
results-oriented approach to skin care, and a tendency for people to become
symptom-oriented. They tend to obsess with having products that are stronger ...
better ... more concentrated ... and forget about gentle care and more
conservative approaches that can accomplish the same task, without possible side
effects, irritation or discomfort. Don’t try to fix problems overnight. Quick
fixes often lead to overexposure or too much or too strong a treatment. Also
avoid mixing therapies. If using over-the-counter products, be sure to tell the
skin care professional before trying alpha hydroxy acids or deep exfoliating
treatments. Reactivity from overuse can have adverse effects on your skin.
Discuss all the options with your esthetician, and let the professional select
treatments for your concerns that will be most efficient and safe for your skin.
Be Prepared
Menopause is a gradual process. Although most women notice
their bodies are changing by the mid-30s, the average age for natural menopause
is 51. Making some lifestyle changes can help women increase longevity and avoid
the health risks associated with menopause. The American Heart Association
recommends limiting total fat intake to no more than 30% of calories,
cholesterol to no more than 300 mg daily, and salt to no more than 3,000 mg
daily. The association also recommends eating lean meats, low-fat dairy products
and at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. In addition to a
heart-healthy diet, exercise that includes cardiovascular and weight-bearing
workouts is good for the heart and bones. Exercises such as weight training,
running, walking or jogging helps increase bone density and are important
What is jojoba?
Jojoba oil is extracted from the seed of the Simmondsia
chinenis shrub, a native of Northern Mexico and the Southwest United States.
The oil is similar to sebum, the oil secreted by the sebaceous glands and has
been used for centuries for nutritional, medicinal and cosmetic applications.